Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Usual Suspects...

Hey. Guess what? The Usual Suspects™ are all a-foam about Bush's SOTU speech last night where they claim Bush...
...spent over the first half of his State of the Union address angrily defending his lying and bloody war in Iraq. He not only verbally attacked those who dissented from this war, he literally had Cindy Sheehan illegally arrested and jailed for wearing an antiwar tee-shirt. Bush brazenly defended his widespread and illegal wiretaps...
[Sorry. I couldn't resist emphasising their adjectives.]

Ohhh. And Guess what else? They're gonna have a march this upcoming Saturday. I wonder if they'll have some of those Right-on-Stereotype Street-People Puppets?

If you can stand it, the whole thing is here. Scrolling down to the bottom gets you to an unsurprising list of names.

H/T...John over at The Officers' Club.

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